Jason Veiock, GoDaddy: What does the modern CISO + CSO hybrid look like?


July 3rd, 2020

35 mins 2 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Until recently the typical paths for an information security leader and a physical security leader have tended to remain independent. While it is not uncommon to find an informational security leader who is building out and managing the physical security capabilities within a company, it is significantly more rare to see a security leader come up from a primarily physical security background to take on responsibility of the informational security scope within a company.

We are now beginning to see examples of these two traditionally divergent paths become more intertwined over the past few years. As a result we are seeing a new brand of hybrid leaders in the market. Jason Veiock, is the Director of Global Workplace Experience, Security, and Resilience for GoDaddy. Jason has built upon a uniquely qualified background from both the public and private sectors that offer us a glimpse of what a modern hybrid information officer and physical security officer could look like. We were hoping to share Jason’s unique journey, and leadership perspectives with the community.

Thank you Jason Veiock for your service to the country and for sharing your story with us.